The planet does not need more successful people but peacemakers, healers and storytellers, We need to ignite the mind of the people of this world using ancient spiritual knowledge. I am here to impact 1 million lives to live life of fulfillment and spiritual abundance. This Silver 1.0 bundle will help the students to learn basic teachings, techniques, mindset and tools to help themselves and others from stress & anxiety. This makes me over one decade to learn these teachings & techniques and It was very hard to find the real teachers carrying spiritual wisdom. I feel blessed that, I have bourn in Himalayas at World's Yoga Capital, Rishikesh, India through real spiritual parents who got the enlightenment within this life, and accepted by the living spiritual master as his disciple. Wishing you all the best, Need your help in this mission to humanity.

With love & Light


Hi, I’m YogShri

I'm on a mission to transform lives to attain peace and balance with ancient spiritual knowledge, by helping 1 million people become peacemakers & healers.

When I was 8 years old, my father told me “A Spiritual person may not be a religious person”. I did not understand what he meant until I got the initiation from my spiritual master and experience the transcendental world within, I was a businessman turned spiritual practitioner.

In the last decade, I have been able to help 10,000+ people to attain their true purpose of life and achieve inner peace and balance because I realized the power of following spiritual mentors who are implementers. I believe that the world is lost with a wrong idea of success and the modern education system is broken, and the only way to fix this is by building a new breed of peacemakers & healers.

If you resonate with this idea, then I would like to personally invite you to my next live masterclass, where I will decode my "Divine Peace Launchpad" system that's helping life coaches, speakers, yoga teachers, and experts.


Frequently Asked Questions

What if i am not able to complete the DIVINE PEACE SILVER BUNDLE 1.0?

The access to silver bundle 1.0 is for lifetime, you can complete the program anytime in lifetime.

What is the refund policy?

There are no such refunds on any offline courses unless we cancel the course. This is because we make a decision as to whether or not to hold a course based upon enrolment. We only incur expenses, once we have committed.

For online study courses, there are no refunds. Once someone has the materials, we can’t refund fees because we have upheld our commitment by providing the learning materials.

Make sure the details mentioned in the payment platform are correct.

Check all the details, before booking any session.

No refund shall be given after the payment has been made. In any situation, we do not allow a refund of the amount.

My bundle includes online support how I can get it?

Upon purchasing a bundle that includes lifetime access you will receive updates of inner circle calls from our side, to stay in touch complete the Divine Peace Launchpad and join us on different communities, social media and our YouTube channel or directly email us.